Residential Lawn Care and Commercial Property Maintenance
A perfect lawn is an accent to any home or businesses appearance and can improve its curb appeal. We take pride in making sure each lawn is well maintained during each visit. Through a lawn care package, the following services can be provided:
– weed whacking/trimming
– mowing
– any excess trimmings that do not fit in your provided green bin will be bagged
– sidewalks and driveway will be blown off

Aeration is an important part of a healthy lawn. This service allows roots to grow deeper and therefore, produce a thicker lawn, reducing drought through the warm summer days. A lawn can be aerated up to 3 times per year in Spring, Summer or Fall.
Note: Aeration can cause damage to irrigation heads so it is important to discuss or flag irrigation heads prior to this service.
Benefits of aeration:
– breaks up thatch and thicken’s lawn
– helps relieve soil compaction
– improves air exchange with roots
– Allows more efficient use of water
– improves fertilizer uptake
Quotes can be provided based on lot/yard size and terrain. Please contact us for a quote!

Power Raking
Power raking is a spring service which should be completed during the growing season (April/May). This service removes dead debris and crust which can build up after a harsh winter in Alberta, while allowing the lawn to recover rapidly and maintain its density. It sets up your lawn for healthy growth through the following months, while helping to prevent lawn disease and pests (voles and mice). We recommend power raking once a year to promote a thicker and healthier lawn each year.

Fertilizer is an important part of routine lawn maintenance for your lawn to fight against drought, as well as promote a thicker and greener lawn, without weeds.
Fertilizer will be applied using a spreader.

Fall Cleanup
Preparing your yard for the harsh Alberta winters is a crucial part of healthy lawn maintenance. This cleanup process includes:
– raking up all leaves and debris from property
– blow out any hedges, shrubs, flower beds or gardens
– lawn will be cut and trimmed for a final time to prepare for the winter months

Spring Cleanup
Cleaning up your yard after winter involves a couple of steps to promote a healthy lawn through the Spring and Summer months.
– blow out any hedges, shrubs, flower beds or gardens of winter debris
– clean out dead plants
– pick up any garbage that has blown into the yard during the winter
– It’s recommend to fertilize, Aerate, Power rake and over seed at this time of year.

Residential and Commercial Snow Removal
Stop breaking your backs we will make sure your sidewalks and pathways are safely cleared so that you, your family and your neighbours are safe and can enjoy the winter months. This service can also be provided when you are on vacation away from the snow!